Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Things that disgust me, part 1.

The term "minty" when used to describe the condition of something. Why add the fucking y? It's more work to type it, it sounds stupid, and it doesn't do a better job of telling someone how nice of condition something is. Either something is fucking MINT or it isn't, there is no "minty" designation that somehow transcends mint and pushes the condition a scoshe or two past it.

This retarded trend got started eons ago when some douche-mouth on ebay probably called his dirty, shit stained garbage "minty fresh" in reference to the polar opposite of what his mouth was perpetually like. Since this was on the internet- where people are like empty colostomy bags just waiting to be filled up with the worthless piss of others because they are so devoid of any talent or creativity themselves- it spread like crazy. And since this is the internet- where people are too fucking lazy to type complete words, let alone two of them- it got shortened to "minty", and many fatty jowls now jiggle with mirth as it is typed into infinity.

Fat fuck preparing to type "minty"

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